Tag Archive: ヒーリング


マントラワークショップと東北の被災地へ全額寄付のチャリティー・チャンティング イベントです!

Anandra George Japan Tour 2011

Mantra Workshop & Charity Chanting event for Tohoku area

●10月2日(日) 13:00-15:00 チャリティー・マントラクラス

●10月5日(水)  19:30-21:30 ワークショップ・瞑想、生命力、長寿の為のシバ・マントラ

●10月9日(日) 13:00-15:00 ワークショップ恋愛関係の為のマントラ

●10月12日(水)  19:30-21:30 ワークショップ・喉のチャクラと顕現













彼女の最新インタビューが、 Helloyoga.comでご覧頂けます。



●10月2日(日)  13:00-15:00


アナンドラ先生や、気の合う仲間と一緒に、コール・アンド・レスポンス(一節毎の繰り返し)形式で、心の底からキルタンを歌いましょう。全ての収益は、東日本大震災の義援金とさせて頂きます。私達の祈りと愛は、大勢で詠唱する事により、力を倍増し、強力なエネルギーとなり、人々を癒し、世界中を明るくします。思う存分詠唱すると、とても気持ち良いので、お勧めです! 🙂





●10月5日(水)  19:30-21:30 


ヴェーダの伝統で、最も重要なマントラを学びます。カルマを呼び起こす為に、シバの優美さを歌い上げます。特に、Maha Mrityunjayaマントラは、健康と長寿を願う為の強力なマントラです。この偉大なマントラの予言について学び、彼の恵み深い教えを人類に広めましょう。このマントラで、ご自身、そして知人の病を、奇跡的な回復へと導くお手伝いが出来ます。108回のマントラを捧げる為に、その方の象徴となる写真や、シンボルをお持ち下さい。


通訳: 鈴木 美奈子

●10月9日(日)  13:00-15:00


紳士淑女の皆様! これは、東京界隈の心の清らかな独身ヨギ/ヨギニの為のクラスです。愛は、皆様の目と鼻の先にあります! 真の自分を見いだす事は、魅力的なエネルギーになります。自分の中に持ち合わせた男神と女神のバランスを調和させるマントラを学びます。必要に応じて、このマントラは、身体と神との関係を調和させます。すると、外見を魅力的にすることも可能です! 過去は忘れ、熱望の神秘を呼び起こしましょう。障害物がなくなり、愛がスムーズに浸透します。人生で神の愛を受け入れたいなら、一緒に癒され、成長し、眼の前の新しい可能性を、活気づけましょう!

通訳: 鈴木 美奈子

●10月12日(水)  19:30-21:30



通訳: 鈴木 美奈子



About Anandra George

RYT, Certified Teacher of
Mantra, Soul Life Coach

Anandra teaches mantras
and yoga to empower people to affect lasting transformation and find
consistently deep inner peace. She has been practicing
yoga and meditation for almost 20 years. Known for a teaching style that is
practical, penetrating, and lighthearted,
and she started teaching at a spiritual school in the US and Europe in 1999 and
continues to offer mantra workshops and retreats
in Hawaii (her home), yoga festivals (such as Bhaktifest.com) and teacher
trainings in the US. This is her 4th teaching visit to Japan. When not teaching, she offers spiritual life coaching
via Skype and continues her study of Sanskrit, mantra, and Indian Classical music. Her life is dedicated to
living, and helping others to live, the Divine life.


Read a recent interview
with Anandra George on helloyoga.com

*With all of Anandra’s
mantra workshops, you’ll learn specific pronunciation,
understand each word part and its meaning, and receive a recording for your continued home practice.


●October/2(Sun)  13:00-15:00 

Chanting for Charity

Join Anandra and friends
for a heartfelt kirtan (call and response chanting), with all proceeds going to
earthquake/tsunami relief and healing. Our
prayers and love are multiplied when we chant together, creating a powerful
energy of healing and upliftment that benefits the
whole world. Chanting feels GOOD! 🙂

Workshop in English with Japanese translation by yuri.

**All the proceeds will go CARE international Japan&Tyler Foundation.

One of yuriyoga member is woking for CARE international Japan. We will report on this yuriyoga studio’s home page after put in the donations to them . Thanks.

●October/5(Wed)  19:30-21:30

Shiva Mantras for
Meditation, Vitality, and Immortality

Learn one of the most
important mantras in the Vedic tradition, dedicated to revealing the grace of
Shiva to transcend karma. Especially
used for health and immortality, the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra has tremendous
power. Learn the story of the seer of this great mantra and connect to his thought of blessing for humanity. If you
or someone you know is struggling with illness, this mantra is a vehicle for transcendent grace and
miraculous healing. Bring a picture or symbol of that person to focus on as we
chant the mantra 108 times. 

As with all of Anandra’s
mantra workshops, you’ll learn specific pronunciation,
understand each word part and its meaning, and receive a recording for your continued home practice.

Workshop in English with Japanese translation by Minako Suzuki.

●October/9(Sun)  13:00-15:00

Mantras for Divine

Ladies and Gentlemen!
This class is dedicated to all of the beautiful-spirited single yogis and
yoginis in Tokyo. Love is in the air! To be whole within oneself is a powerful attractive energy. We’ll
learn mantras to harmonize the inner divine male/female balance, which, if you want it, can magnetize/harmonize a
divine relationship in the physical too! Release old stories and limitations,
and explore the secret of
yearning, so that you are no longer your biggest obstacle to experiencing
fullness in Love.  If you have
hope to experience Divine love in
your life, join us as we heal, transform, and energize new possibilities!

Workshop in English with Japanese translation by Minako Suzuki.

●October/12(Wed)  19:30-21:30 

The Throat Chakra and

Explore the Power of
Speech, using seed mantras to open and energize the throat chakra, the vehicle
for manifestation. At the subtle level,
your thoughts are speaking your beliefs into experience. At the gross level,
your words and the tonal quality of your voice are expressing your Soul in the world. Neither arrogant nor meek,
neither manipulative nor victim, your true voice is a deep expression of your unique essence. Learn
mantras to refine your voice and express your authentic Self, and catapult your
ability to manifest your
highest dreams to a whole new level.

Workshop in English with Japanese translation by Minako Suzuki.



●October/2nd/2011(Sun)     10月2日(日) 13:00-15:00

●October/5th/2011(Sun)      10月5日(水)  19:30-21:30

●October/9th/2011(Wed)    10月9日(日) 13:00-15:00

●October/12th/2011(Sun)    10月12日(水)  19:30-21:30





yuriyoga member 1class 3,500円 / 2classes 6,500円 / 3classes 9,500円

visitor                        1class 4,000円 / 2classes 7,500円 / 3classes 11,000円 

appointment necessary(要予約); love.and.light.yuriyoga@gmail.com  /  080-4402-8392


The workshops will be in English with Japanese translation by Minako Suzuki.

●3月6日(日) 13:00-15:00     終了/PAST EVENT

Fullness, The Heart of India

●3月9日(水)  19:30-21:30      終了/PAST EVENT

Mantras for the Goddess



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Fullness – The Heart of India
Join Anandra for a sacred evening of chanting Sanskrit mantra. We’ll focus on a mantra that is said to contain the essential teachings of all of the Vedas in one short formula. We’ll delve into the living philosophy, learn the mantra with proper pronunciation, pitch, and timing, and then allow it to work its magic on our hearts and souls.

From a practical perspective, this mantra the perfect remedy for any feeling of lack in our lives, whether in relationship, career, health, finances, etc. As you remember this mantra when you encounter challenges in your daily life, tension is erased and you are gracefully reminded of eternal truth.

For beginners and experienced mantra practitioners alike. You’ll receive a sound recording after the workshop to enjoy at home.

Join Anandra as she returns to Lotus8 fresh from 5 months of immersion in the yoga of sound in India, where she studied Vedic mantras and Indian Classical music. Anandra delights in sharing yoga and mantra in the US and Japan. Her unique style blends humor, candid practical insight, and expansive universal truth to support the modern yogi to find the teacher within.



現在はAbout.comの”Ask a Life Coach”のコラムを執筆しています。

About Anandra George
RYT, Certified Teacher of Mantra.
Anandra teaches mantras and yoga  to empower people to affect lasting transformation and find consistently deep inner peace. Known for a teaching style that is practical, penetrating, and lighthearted, she has taught in Hawaii for the past 12 years. Anandra currently writes the “Ask a Life Coach” column on the website About.com. This is her second visit to Japan to teach mantra. For more information on her, please go to:  www.truefreedomcoaching.com



●March/6th/2011(Sun)     3月6日(日) 13:00-15:00

●March/9th/2011(Wed)    3月9日(水) 19:30-21:30

appointment necessary(要予約); love.and.light.yuriyoga@gmail.com  /  090-7401-9111

Price; yuriyoga member 1class 3,500円 / 2classes 6,500円

               visitor                             1class 4,000円 / 2classes 7,500円 

