3月13日(日)  13:00-15:00   終了/PAST EVENT 

Kundalini yoga workshop with Tania      

TaniaのKundalini yoga workshop!!  大変好評です!





私がカナダで取得したヨガのteachers trainingではこのクンダリーニヨガは組み込まれていました!




<What is Kundalini Yoga?>



Kundalini yoga was made public by Yogi Bhajan who brought it to the West in 1969. Since then it’s practice has grown rapidly throughout the world.It’s combines breathing, exercise, meditation, chanting, relaxation and a positive mental projection to form a vast and beautiful discipline that works on the mind, body and soul to expand our awareness and improve our overall wellbeing. Whatever your background, level of experience or fitness you can start to reap benefits immediately and quite rapidly though the practice of Kundalini yoga.




Tania Maria Menegatti(タニア・マリア・メネガッティ)



Following extensive training as a ballet dancer and a degree in Religious Studies, Tania went into the PR industry where she spent 12 years. She trained to become a Kundalini yoga teacher with the Karam Kriya School in London and is registered with the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association. She brings to her classes an understanding of the stresses of corporate and city life, the discipline and grace of ballet, and her own, ongoing exploration and passion for what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience.



Date&Time; March/13th/2011(Sun)   3月13日(日) 13:00-15:00

appointment necessary(要予約); love.and.light.yuriyoga@gmail.com  /  090-7401-9111

Price; yuriyoga member 3,000円 / visitor 3,500円  **2時間のワークショップ
